The Role Of Nanotubes In Bionic Plants
Bionic plants and their importance and the role of nanotubes in the process of photosyntheseis in plant chloroplast. Check what new research says about Nanotubes.
Global Warming Adaptation - Its Effects On Humans
Adaptation to global warming may be planned. The ability to adapt links to socio-economic development. What could be the effects if we adapt or don't adapt to Global Warming? Check out what is in it.
World Water Day Special: Shocking 5 Facts On Water Scarcity
Water scarcity isn't high on the lists of things we think about. Want to know what are the 5 shocking facts about water scarcity? Check it out here
Wind Energy Lead Over Nuclear Energy In China - Conservation
Good news is that wind power is leading over nuclear in China. But still, wind energy gives as low as 3% of China's power. Know why?
Which Is Eco-Friendly, An Electric Stove Or A Gas?
Want to cook food in kitchen? Which is Eco-Friendly, an electric stove or a gas? Check here for more.
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Worldwide Nutrition problems are bigger than Climate Change | Global Dietary problems

Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Too much screen time affects children, not enough outdoor play

Monday, 12 September 2016
Fish scales are turned into biodegradable power producers

Saturday, 18 June 2016
You Need Not Shower Too Much | Shower

About Author

Somanath Yadavalli
He is the founder of Friendly Eco Might and professionally a software engineer. He has a Bachelor's degreee in Electronics and Communication from The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, India. He is managing several blogs from his own living room and spreading the word for saving our planet Earth. Read more...