Friendly Eco Might

The Role Of Nanotubes In Bionic Plants

Bionic plants and their importance and the role of nanotubes in the process of photosyntheseis in plant chloroplast. Check what new research says about Nanotubes.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Worldwide Nutrition problems are bigger than Climate Change | Global Dietary problems

The executive of the Stockholm Resilience Center says it's a colossal issue that meat is so "culturally embedded in Western countries" Very few things match climate change with regards to worldwide issues waiting be explained; yet as indicated by Professor Johan Rockström, enhancing the global eating routine will be considerably more troublesome than managing climate change. Rockström is the chief of the Stockholm Resilience Center, and he...

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Too much screen time affects children, not enough outdoor play

A set of specialists in the UK needs an exceptional Ministry of Childhood made to secure children's wellbeing, if guardians or parents won't. A screen-based way of life is hurting kids' well-being and health, as per a set of adult specialists. In an open letter to The Guardian, about 40 educationalists, clinicians, and authors has approached the British government to make a move to protect children from the "lethal nature" of current childhood....

Monday, 12 September 2016

Fish scales are turned into biodegradable power producers

In India, fish is a vital part of the eating routine and any significant food source is going to create a ton of waste. Fish scales, bones and tails wind up as a constant flow of bio-waste, yet specialists at Jadavpur University in Koltata, India have thought of an approach to make something inconceivably valuable out of what's commonly discarded. The team has made an energy harvester out of fish scales that could be utilized as a part of self-powered...

Saturday, 18 June 2016

You Need Not Shower Too Much | Shower

What we characterize as 'clean' may not be so good for our bodies. Here's the reason we ought to reconsider our way to deal with personal cleanliness. If you shower for 20 minutes a day and live 100 years, then you will have spent about 12,167 hours of your life in taking shower. That's too long to have the water running and costly, as well. At that point there's the health issue. In spite of the fact that you may believe you're clean, smelling...

About Author


Somanath Yadavalli

He is the founder of Friendly Eco Might and professionally a software engineer. He has a Bachelor's degreee in Electronics and Communication from The National Institute of Engineering, Mysore, India. He is managing several blogs from his own living room and spreading the word for saving our planet Earth. Read more...

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